Press Statement

Press Statement - 1st July 1996

The Orangemen of Portadown District have, almost since the foundation of the Loyal Orange Institution, held an Annual Church Parade to Drumcree Parish Church to worship and give thanks to Almighty God. In so doing they witness for their faith, at the same time accepting that all others have the right to worship according to their conscience.

There is no element of triumphalism or attempt to offend in this. Merely a desire to, with dignity and decorum, involve themselves in an act of public worship as their fathers and forefathers have done through successive generations.

In parading to and from the Church a circular route is used along the main arterial roads in that area of Portadown. The Garvaghy Road is not only such a road it is the traditional route for the return journey and the most direct access between Drumcree Parish Church and Carleton Street Orange Hall.

Portadown District rejects any concept of a ghetto mentality and reiterates its belief in the right of lawful parades along traditional routes.

We regret that there are those who consider Protestants walking to and from Church to be "sectarian". This speaks volumes of their attitude to our community whose Faith, Culture and Traditions they would deny.

We recognise that the campaign of opposition to Orange Parades is an orchestrated attempt to heighten tension, and ultimately to remove any vestiges of a Protestant presence from specific areas.

We are however conscious that this view is not shared by many of the residents of the Garvaghy Road whose desire is to live in peace with their neighbours.

On Sunday, 7 July the Brethren of Portadown District will as usual participate in this Annual Church Service. They will do so with their usual discipline and respect for others. They merely seek that others will respect their rights.